Friday 5 August 2016

Genetics and DNA test

Why does blood clump when a person with blood type B receives blood from a type A donor?

A. The B and A cells interact.
B. The immune system manufactures antibodies against the A blood.
C. Anti-A antibodies are already in the plasma of the type B recipient.
D. The Rh factors are interacting.

2. Can a person with type AB blood receive blood from any donor?

A. Yes, in theory.
B. No, they have anti-A and anti-B antibodies in the blood serum.
C. No, because the donor blood would clump the recipient's cells.
D. It depends on the health of the recipient.

3. What is the role of mRNA in the translation process of protein synthesis?

A. to copy the "message" from DNA
B. to act as a template for the tRNA molecules
C. to assemble the growing polypeptide
D. All of these are correct.

4. What is the role of tRNA in the translation process of protein synthesis?

A. The tRNA brings a particular amino acid into place along the mRNA.
B. The tRNA holds the mRNA in position while the ribosome adds amino acids.
C. The tRNA copies the "message" from the mRNA, and then translation occurs.
D. The tRNA saves the "message" from the mRNA, to be used again. 
 Ans  C. Anti-A antibodies are already in the plasma of the type B recipient. 
  A. Yes, in theory. 
  During the process of translation of protein synthesis, the role of mRNA is to serve as a template for the tRNA molecules. 
  A. The tRNA brings a particular amino acid into place along the mRNA.

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